Friday, November 21, 2008

The Dreaded "The SSP Timer Job Distribution List Import Job was not run."

Unfortunately, when I set up some test SharePoint sites on my dev machine I tied service accounts to my network userid & pwd. Our network policy requires that passwords be changed every 90 days, so every 90 days I get into a pickle because I can't remember all that I had to do so that SharePoint would continue to play nice on my machine.

  1. In IIS, change the password of all App Pools that are tied to my network account and restart IIS

  2. At the DOS prompt run stsadm -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin <domain\userid> -password <new password> followed by iisreset /noforce

  3. In Central Admin:
    • Go to App Management and click on "Manage Search Service" under the "Search" group and change the "Office SharePoint Search Indexing and Query" account's password

    • Click on Shared Services Administration, right-click the default shared service and select Edit Properties and update the password for the SSP Service Credentials

  4. At the DOS prompt run iisreset /noforce

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How to Show/Hide SharePoint QuickLaunch

The bulk of this comes from

Insert the following JavaScript block immediately before the </Head> tag in your master page:

function showhide(layer_ref)
var state = 'block';

var tbl = document.getElementById(layer_ref);
var img = document.getElementById("img" + layer_ref);

if ( == 'block')
{ = 'none';
img.src = "_layouts/images/BLK_RGT.GIF";
{ = 'block';
img.src = "_layouts/images/BLK_LEFT.GIF";

I put the following div immediately inside the TD with ID LeftNavigationAreaCell:
<div id="divOuterQuickLaunch" style="display:block;">

I added the following immediately after the ContentPlaceHolder PlaceHolderTitleAreaSeparator:

<td style="text-align:right;">
<a id="lnkregionalNav" style="cursor:hand" onclick="showhide('divOuterQuickLaunch');">
<img src="_layouts/images/BLK_LEFT.GIF" id="imgdivOuterQuickLaunch" alt="Show/Hide Quicklaunch"/>

If you are looking at a list, the behavior will not be as expected as there is an image at the top of the page that prohibits the quicklaunch area from collapsing when hidden. To correct this, find the ContentPlaceHolder PlaceHolderPageImage and add Visible=”false”

That should do it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To: Create a custom Google map icon

I had found some very valuable resources when I was starting to develop Google maps:

The Google Maps API Reference

Google Maps API Tutorial

For specifically creating custom Google maps icons

As valuable as those references are I often had a lot of hit and miss trying to get the various pieces to work together. I hope this blog will help someone see how the various pieces get stitched together.

A JavaScript function to create the marker and set up the event window

// point = new GLatLng(lat,lng);
// infoWindowText = text to be displayed in the info "balloon"
// type = which icon to use
// count = which item in the group we are processing (e.g. item 16 out of 120 total)
function createMarker(point,infoWindowText,type,count) {
var xOffset = -1;
var yOffset = -29;

// to get the number to appear within our mappin, the xoffset
// had to be adjusted depending upon what numbered item the
// current location is within our result set
if(count > 99)
xOffset = -7;

else if(count > 9)
xOffset = -4;

// need to create 1icon for each number will have
// GIcon is explained at
var Icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
// background is a previously defined array of icon "types", each of which points to its own
// specific .gif
// e.g. background["Gold"] = "../images/mappins/lorange.png";
Icon.image = background[type];
opts = {
"icon": Icon,
"clickable": true,
"labelText": parseInt(count)+1,
"labelClass": "MapIcon",
"labelOffset": new GSize(xOffset, yOffset)
// LabeledMarker is explained at
var marker = new LabeledMarker(point, opts);

// openInfoWindowHtml is explained at
// this tells the screen to display an info "balloon" when the user clicks this point on the map
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
return marker;


in the main Javascript code you will have the following

// create the marker
var marker = createMarker(point,name,html,type,i);
// addOverlay is explained at
// adds the newly created marker as an overlay on the map

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How To: Associate a custom action with a specific SharePoint list

There are many web sites that discuss how to associate a custom action with a specific SharePoint list. The ones that helped me the most are:
For whatever reason, I was still having problems getting it all to gel together when trying to apply custom actions to the EditControlBlock for a new list feature that I had created. To help me remember for the future, I thought I would recreate the steps here.
When creating my list template, I used the Sharepoint Solution Generator (available for download here:
In the ListDefinition.xml and schema.xml files I set the Type attribute to a large number as explained in the link above. In my case, I set the value to 22222. I then deployed my custom list to my SharePoint site.

To create the custom menu items specific to my newly created feature:

1. I started by creating a new folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES.

2. I then copied the Feature.xml and ListTemplates\CustomList.xml from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\CustomList into my new folder.

· In my case, I did not put the CustomList.xml file in a sub-directory but left it at the same level as the Feature.xml file.

· You should rename the CustomList.xml file to a name corresponding with the new list that was created (ex. NewListNameListFeatures.xml)

3. I modified the Feature Title, Feature Description and ElementManifest Location attributes in my Feature.xml to be specific for my list feature

· The ElementManifest Location attribute must match the filename specified in step 2

4. In the CustomList.xml file, renamed of course, I entered the following (click the image for a larger view):

For this specific scenario to work, some items of note are:

· The RegistrationId attribute must match the “Type” value used when creating the custom list.

· The Location attribute must be “EditControlBlock” for the new menu item to appear in the per-item edit control block menu

· There is no GroupId attribute if Location is EditControlBlock

· The RegistrationType attribute must be “List”

· I didn’t see anything specific about what the Id attribute should be, I simply used a naming convention of ListName-and-Action.

· The UrlAction Url attribute can be JavaScript instead of an actual url (e.g. Url="'');".

5. I then installed and activated my custom action using stsadm:

· stsadm -o installfeature -name <folder where custom action resides>

· stsadm -o activatefeature -name <folder where custom action resides> -url <my SP site url>

· iisreset

Voila! My list now has a new item in the edit control block menu.